


Musical excerpts from the workshop performances.

Act 1

  • Keeping his head low gives voice to the observations of the townspeople of Puritan Boston as immigrants increasingly populate their city. This excerpt and the two following are from Act I of the workshop performance of the opera.
  • Where’s that solace, where’s that grace?: Finola Daley appeals to Father Cheverus to go to the prisoners in Northampton.
  • Seigneur donne secours: Cheverus looks for guidance in his decision to go to the prisoners.

Act 2

  • The swinging of the bones: This chorus from the workshop version of Act 2 of The Garden of Martyrs opera depicts the ghoulish revelry of crowds arrived in Northampton to witness a public execution.
  • Trio: Turned down by all for a place to lodge, Cheverus and Finola are approached by the Widow Clark (Marjorie Melnick), who offers them a bed for the night, for a price. Finola accepts her offer of a bed. As the Widow sings a tender lullaby to Finola’s baby boy, Cheverus becomes increasingly drunk and disoriented.

Act 3
